
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet, VecDeque};

An implementation of Kosaraju’s algorithm, which finds the strongly connected components (SCCs) of a graph, where any node in an SCC can reach any other node in the SCC.

Input: This function takes a dictionary where the key is the node and the value is a list of its children nodes.

Output: A dictionary where the key is the root of each SCC, and the value is the list of connected nodes in the SCCs.

The algorithm takes 4 steps.

pub fn kosaraju(graph: HashMap<u32, Vec<u32>>) -> HashMap<u32, Vec<u32>> {
  1. the algorithm allocates a few data structures required later.
  2. A dictionary of outdegrees outdegrees, where each node is the key and its values are the nodes it is connected to.
    let mut outdegrees: HashMap<u32, Vec<u32>> = HashMap::new();
  • A dictionary of indegrees indegrees, which is the opposite. Every node notes which nodes connect to it.
    let mut indegrees: HashMap<u32, Vec<u32>> = HashMap::new();
  • A set visited, which is used to avoid cycles when visiting the graph.
    let mut visited = HashSet::new();
  • A deque l, which is used to keep track of the order in which nodes are visited.
    let mut l = VecDeque::new();
  • A set assigned, which is used to keep track of the nodes assigned to an SCC.
    let mut assigned = HashSet::new();
  • A dictionary islands which is used to note the SCCs and is returned to the caller.
    let mut islands: HashMap<u32, Vec<u32>> = HashMap::new();
  1. the algorithm populates the outdegrees and indegrees. Since the input is already an outdegree graph, we iterate through each node’s edges and do the following:
    for (node, edges) in &graph {
        for edge in edges {

For the outdegree graph, set the outdegree’s key as the node and add the edge to its values.


For the indegree graph, set the indegree’s key as the edge and add the node to its values.

  1. the algorithm creates a visit function, which is called on every node in the graph. Visit(node) is a recursive function that does the following:
  2. If node is not in the visited set:
    • Add node to visited.
    • For each outdegree of node, call visit(outdegree).
    • Prepend node to l.
  3. Else:
    • Do nothing
    fn visit(
        node: u32,
        visited: &mut HashSet<u32>,
        outdegrees: &HashMap<u32, Vec<u32>>,
        l: &mut VecDeque<u32>,
    ) {
        if !visited.contains(&node) {
            let neighbors = outdegrees.get(&node).cloned().unwrap_or_default();
            for neighbor in neighbors {
                visit(neighbor, visited, outdegrees, l);

The algorithm then visits all of the nodes in the graph.

    for node in graph.keys() {
        visit(*node, &mut visited, &outdegrees, &mut l);
  1. the algorithm creates an assign function, which is called on every node in l in order. Assign(node, root) is a recursive function that does the following:
  2. If a node is not in the assigned set:
    • Add node to assigned.
    • Assign node to root’s SCC.
    • For each indegree of node, call assign(indegree, root).
  3. Else:
    • Do nothing
    fn assign(
        node: u32,
        root: u32,
        assigned: &mut HashSet<u32>,
        indegrees: &HashMap<u32, Vec<u32>>,
        islands: &mut HashMap<u32, Vec<u32>>,
    ) {
        if !assigned.contains(&node) {
            let neighbors = indegrees.get(&node).cloned().unwrap_or_default();
            for neighbor in neighbors {
                assign(neighbor, root, assigned, indegrees, islands);

And then assigns all the nodes in the graph.

    for node in l {
        assign(node, node, &mut assigned, &indegrees, &mut islands);

And returns the strongly connected components.


mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use insta::assert_yaml_snapshot;
    use quickcheck_macros::quickcheck;

    fn sort_for_test(input: HashMap<u32, Vec<u32>>) -> Vec<Vec<u32>> {
        let mut sorted: Vec<Vec<_>> = input.values().cloned().collect();
        sorted.iter_mut().for_each(|i| i.sort());

    fn empty() {
        let input = HashMap::from([(0, vec![])]);


    fn example() {
        let input = HashMap::from([
            (0, Vec::from([1, 2])),
            (1, Vec::from([0, 2])),
            (2, Vec::from([0, 1])),
            (3, Vec::from([4])),
            (4, Vec::from([5])),
            (5, Vec::from([3])),
            (6, Vec::from([7])),
            (7, Vec::default()),


    fn verify_all_islands(input: HashMap<u32, Vec<u32>>) -> bool {
        if input.len() > 50 {
            return true;
        let cloned_input = input.clone();
        let mut unique_vals: HashSet<&u32> = HashSet::from_iter(cloned_input.values().flatten());
        let result = kosaraju(input);

        let all_islands: HashSet<&u32> = HashSet::from_iter(result.values().flatten());
        unique_vals == all_islands