use std::collections::{HashMap, VecDeque};
This function prints out a topological sort of a company. This function works for any DAG where there is one root node which can have many children.
pub fn rooted_topological_sort(chart: &[(u32, u32, String)]) -> Option<Vec<(u64, String)>> {
let mut emp_to_mgr: HashMap<u32, u32> = HashMap::new();
let mut mgr_to_emp: HashMap<u32, Vec<u32>> = HashMap::new();
let mut emp_to_name: HashMap<u32, String> = HashMap::new();
We start out without having found the CEO.
let mut ceo = None;
For every employee in the chart
for (emp_id, mgr_id, name) in chart {
If they manage themselves, they’re the CEO.
if emp_id == mgr_id {
ceo = Some(emp_id);
} else {
Otherwise, we add the employee as a subordinate to their manager
And add their manager to the employee.
emp_to_mgr.insert(*emp_id, *mgr_id);
We then maintain a mapping of employee to name for faster lookup.
emp_to_name.insert(*emp_id, name.to_string());
If we can’t find a CEO, then there’s no way to continue
Next, we bfs through the org chart, starting with the CEO
let mut q = VecDeque::new();
q.push_back((ceo.unwrap(), 0));
let mut res = vec![];
While we have employees to process
while let Some((emp_id, depth)) = q.pop_front() {
we push the employee and its depth to the result
res.push((depth, emp_to_name[emp_id].clone()));
then, for this employee’s subordinates (if there are any)
if let Some(reports) = mgr_to_emp.get(emp_id) {
We add them to the front of the queue, since we want to process them before other peer employees.
for report_id in reports {
q.push_front((report_id, depth + 1));
And then we return the collection.
mod tests {
use super::*;
use insta::assert_yaml_snapshot;
use quickcheck_macros::quickcheck;
fn verify(chart: Vec<(u32, u32, String)>) -> bool {
if chart.len() > 100 {
return true;
fn example() {
let chart = vec![
(6, 5, "acolyte1".to_string()),
(7, 4, "acolyte2".to_string()),
(2, 1, "sylvanas".to_string()),
(3, 1, "anubarak".to_string()),
(4, 2, "commander1".to_string()),
(1, 1, "arthas".to_string()),
(5, 3, "commander2".to_string()),
let result = rooted_topological_sort(&chart);